
Archive for the ‘Cozumel – 2/6/09 – 2/8/09’ Category

Since today was The Blogger’s only full day on the island, as well as my friend’s 40th birthday by designation (it was actually the following Monday, but it was more convenient for all of us to rewrite history and celebrate on Saturday), this was the day to rock and roll.  The day began early, as it dawns in Cozumel around 5:30 this time of year, so after tossing and turning a bit The Blogger got up around 6:00, made coffee, and tried to get functional while waiting for everyone else to wake up.  The Birthday Boy and His Wife were up pretty quickly thereafter, and by 7:30 or so we had a full crew ready to go.  After a couple of hours of nonsense, we headed over to a private beach “club” to hang out, suntan, swim in the ocean, and generally act like baffoons. 


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Today The Blogger headed to Cozumel, Mexico, sans The Lady, for a quick weekend trip to help celebrate a close friend’s 40th birthday.  The bad news is that the Blogger has been on the road a lot lately, the flight is on one of those little CanadaAir Regional jets, and The Blogger is not much of a beach person.  The good news is pretty much everything else – The Blogger will be in Cozumel helping his buddy enter his 5th decade in style, will get to see lots of old friends, and plans to raise a lot of hell.  The other good news is that The Blogger’s medallion upgrade came through on Delta both ways, so he doesn’t expect to arrive in Cosumel pissed off. 


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